01 نوفمبر .
1 دقيقة قراءة .
Caspar David Friedrich
(September 5, 1774 - May 7, 1840)
German landscape painter of the nineteenth-century German Romantic movement, of which he is now considered the most important painter.
- "Caroline at the Window " / "Woman at a Window "·(1822)
oil on canvas, 44 x 73 cm
Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Nationalgalerie.
This painting, which shows Caspar David Friedrich’s wife Caroline leaning out the window of his sparsely furnished atelier overlooking the Elbe River in Dresden, is at once highly unusual and absolutely exemplary in his oeuvre. It is unusual because, despite sharing his friend Kersting’s great admiration for 17th-century Northern painting, Friedrich never painted the domestic interior scenes that were so popular both during the Dutch Golden Age and the German Biedermeier period.
Even in this unique example of the genre, however, Friedrich’s portrayal exhibits all the hallmarks of his style: the strict geometry of the composition (the vertical line of the window-pane even matches up exactly with the joint between the two central floor boards); the use of a Rückenfigur [a figure seen entirely from the back] placed squarely in the middle of the painting, as if to block our own view..............and, of course, the inescapable, overwhelming sense that this picture, for all its realism, is trying very hard to tell us something about the spiritual, rather than the visible world.
“Donna alla finestra”: La figura di donna al centro del quadro è Caroline, la moglie dell’artista che guarda fuori dalla finestra dello studio di Friedrich a Dresda. La donna da le spalle allo spettatore, guarda fuori dalla finestra con vista sul fiume Elba. Si possono scorgere gli alberi delle barche e un cielo azzurro.
L’artista porta qui il suo lato romantico: i tratti della moglie e dello studio passano in secondo piano – ci mettiamo anche noi spettatori a guardare oltre – a sbirciare da quella finestra verso un un mondo sconfinato – un’aldilà da esplorare.
Friedrich, Woman at a Window
Fantasia di parole e paesaggi.