Criminal Desires - Chapter 2

Antonella Eid

18 Feb . 8 Min Read .  962

~Angelina Blake~      
I'm in a pool full of chocolate and marshmallows, with every wish coming true...
"I want ice cream" and with that said, ice cream popped out of no where in my hands!!
What should I wish nex-
I wake up from my dream by my so called best friend, taking the cover off my half naked body and shaking me. 
"Wake up stupid!" She yells at me.
"What the hell Ella? Do you have a death wish or something!?" I stop and take a look at the clock then continue "It's still 8 o'clock get out and let me sleep peacefully!" I grab the sheets and try to get back to sleep.
But my annoying human being of a friend has other plans...
She jumps on my bed and starts bouncing on it, but in one motion of my hand, her butt meets  the floor. Her brown hair gets out of her messy bun and her -not so happy- brown eyes meet mine.
"Karma's a bitch babe." I send her a wink and run towards the bathroom dodging the pillow that came flying from behind me.
"Get ready we're going for a run in 10." she yells and I hear the door of my bedroom closing.
I take a shower and put a little extra effort into my appearance. I pull on a set of black high waisted leggings and a sports bra, then hide my knives. I glance in the mirror and decide to put my hair in a ponytail since it's damn hot outside.
I make my way out of the room, go across the hall and knock on the door. A tall blonde-haired boy appears behind it, his hair is messed up so I can assume he just woke up, or I woke him up. Oops?
"Hey sleepy head" I say hugging him and playing with his blonde messed up curls. 
"Are we seriously not going to talk about the fact that you just woke me up?" He says with an annoying sleepy tone. I give him my puppy eyes so that he forgives me (well it works every time) 
"Oh c'mon Ange don't!" He tries his best not to look at me, but how can you not look at this gorgeous little face!!! 
Okay Angelina shut up! 
I snap back to find Caleb on his way to the bed.
"Nuh-uh you're coming with me and Ella. We're going for a run and I'm gonna stop at Starbucks!!" I say quickly getting to the point. I mean who can decline going to Starb-
"I'm out have fun bye." He tells me ignoring the fact that I just said fucking STARBUCKS! "You're the only Starbuholic here by the way. Now get out and close the door on your way out thanks." he adds quickly as if he just read my mind.
Well he has a point though.
As a punishment for turning me down AND calling me starbuholic (which is true), I left the door open and rushed downstairs to find a pissed off Ella.
"Not you too! Why is everyone pissed off on this beautiful morning?!" I say sarcastically waiting for her to explain what's wrong. One thing I love about Ella is that she can switch between goofy and serious when she needs to.
"Actually I was happy, until I found out that Black Cobra found another one of our warehouses and killed all our guards." She says her face hardening at the mention of the killing.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Black Cobra is our rival and a well known Russian gang. I'm just kidding, Slither Ground (mine) and Silver Sinners are the most known mafias and the most powerful. Black Mamba -aka the boss of BC- has been trying to take me down for like 3 months saying that I'm just a 'Woman' who can't rule a mafia, but fortunately he's doing a shitty job at it. For every Russian that we find, we skin them and send their branded tattoo directly to him.
Since my father died a year ago, the Mafia society didn't welcome me with open arms. Instead they've been trying to prove that I'm a shit of a leader -which I'm not- just because 'women' are weak in their point of view! Well I'm sorry to disappoint you all but I'm one hell of a trained leader, and some mafias that tried to defy me get it by now.
"What a way to ruin the morning. C'mon let's get going, when I come back I have shit load of work to go through." I tell her before turning to a guard standing next to us. "Hunter go tell Caleb and drag his ass to work until I come back. Oh and call the guards' families and send them money each month." 
He nods his head and we get out of the room. Some guards greet me on my way out of the mansion while I simply nod my head at them.
As I expected it was dripping hot outside, there isn't a cloud in the aqua sky. We start running as usual, knowing our next destination: STARBUCKS WOHOO!
When we finally reach Starbucks, Ella was breathless. Why am I not surprised?
"H- how do yo- you d- do that?" she asks trying to steady her breathing.
"I've been training since I was 17, hard work pays off. Train with Caleb, you would love that." She rolls her eyes trying to sound annoyed and careless. But I know that she has that not so tiny crush on Caleb, but she just won't admit it!!
"I know what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours, but I'm sorry my coffee is waiting, let's go inside." I tell her pushing the door of my favorite coffee shop and stepping inside.
"Your usual?" the familiar boy taking my order asks me flashing me one of his wide and innocent smiles.
"Yes sir." I reply quickly with a tone  of amusement.
After 5 minutes, he finally hands me my beloved drink.
On my way out with Ella's footsteps close behind me, something hard collides with my body and I stumble back spilling my dear coffee.

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